Monday, January 8, 2018 AT 7:00PM Forest Bluff Sport Court
14901 Truman Oak Cv, Austin TX 78724
Called to Order at 7:08pm
1) Roll Call – Directors present were Laura Haney, Iman Jordan and Manessa Grady. Directors absent were Jessamine Adkins. Five homeowners were also present.
2) Reading and Disposal of Unapproved Minutes – The minutes from the December 4, 2017, meeting were approved as written by a motion made by Director Haney and seconded by Director Jordan.
3) Reports from Officers – No reports
4) Reports from RealManage – Financial Reports – The Treasurer briefly went over the financial reports.
5) Unfinished Business:
a. Holiday Decorating Contest: We decided who would be the winners and when to distribute the cards.
b. Sport Court Upgrades/Repairs: Access cards and internet. No motions were made.
c. Retention Pond Repairs – No motions were made.
d. Playground Repairs – No motions were made.
6) New Business:
a. 2018 Events – No motions were made.
b. HOA Web Page – No motions were made. The Board would like to set up a webpage and will need the domain info and email.
c. Homeowner Forum: 1* Homeowners inquired about suspicious activity. They should call 911 if they see anything suspicious. 2* Homeowners inquired as to who monitors dumping on the lawn in the open lot? This is not monitored by anyone. The HOA cannot afford to pay someone to monitor this. If any dumping is seen it needs to be reported to the non-emergency police and to [email protected]. 3* Homeowners inquired about the construction along FM 969, however the Board did not have any information on the subject. 4* Homeowners inquired about the roadwork in the neighborhood. They would like to k now how long will it continue and what exactly are they fixing?
7) Executive Session:
a. Collection Accounts – No motions were made.
b. Deed Restriction Violations – No motions were made.
c. Other Confidential Matters – No motions were made.
8) Adjournment at 8:15p.m
RealManage c/o Forest Bluff Residential Community Association, Inc. 9601 Amberglen Blvd, Ste 150, Austin, Texas 78729 (866)4-RealService (866-473-2573) - Fax (866) 919-5696 Email: [email protected]