Monday, November 5, 2018 AT 7:00PM Forest Bluff Sport Court
14901 Truman Oak Cv, Austin TX 78724
Called to Order at 7:07pm
1) Roll Call – Directors present were Laura Haney, Manessa Grady, Iman Jordan, Natalie Leone, and Anastasiya Traskovskaya
2) Minutes from last meeting approved
3) Halloween Event Update
* ~100 people attended
* Email subscribers doubled
* Email reminders are working
4) Trash service at the sport court
* Had been suspended
* Laura working to find out what day it will be picked up going forward
* Need to decide schedule for rolling out to curb.
5) Holiday Events:
* November: Looking into making an incentive month
** Thanks giving discount on assessments?*
** Email blast
* December: Holiday Decoration Contest
* Prizes for the top 5 houses (prizes TBD)
*discount for paying assessments at beginning of year- when did this perk get taken away?
6) Shed cleanout scheduled for Saturday, November 17th@ 10am
7) Homeowner – deed restrictions – are they being addressed?
* People are being notified about mowing
8) Look into restricting parking on one side of Wideleaf Drive to help with traffic flow and public safety
9) Community Improvements:
* Look into moving the park to the tract that the sport court is on & turning the current park location (Wideleaf Drive) into a dog park
10) Forest Bluff Residential Banner to be printed.
11) Executive Portion
Meeting Adjourned at 9:06pm.
RealManage c/o Forest Bluff Residential Community Association, Inc. 9601 Amberglen Blvd, Ste 150, Austin, Texas 78729 (866)4-RealService (866-473-2573) - Fax (866) 919-5696 Email: [email protected]